This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for your participation.
The winners are Jen @ Be Thou Exalted, Lisa @ The Mo' Fo', Pamela@sbcglobal, BloominWild89, & LindaW@gmail!
The winners are Jen @ Be Thou Exalted, Lisa @ The Mo' Fo', Pamela@sbcglobal, BloominWild89, & LindaW@gmail!

Introducing the Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush Max Toilet Cleaning System.
From the site: "Our heavy duty, disposable toilet cleaning system cleans tough stains like hard water, limescale, rust and more. The scrubbing pad's tough stains formula starts working as soon as the pad touches the water. As you scrub, thousands of abrasive fibers in the pad loosen dirt and grime, so you have a clean, sparkling bowl. Once you're done cleaning, just throw the soiled pad away. There's no wet, germy brush to store."
The kit included a 19' handle which was really easy to put together. Just snap two pieces together and you're all set. Then slide the button on the handle to open the teeth, attach the scrubbing pad, then slide back the button until you hear it click.
The shape of the handle made cleaning the toilet really easy, even under the rim. When I was done, I just slid the button and the used pad dropped into the trash can.
The only downside was that it didn't take all the rust out. However, if I had this cleaner from the beginning, I probably wouldn't have let the rust accumulate in the first place. It's that easy to use! Also, it would be great if the pads were somehow flushable and bio-degradable - being Earth Week and all.
Now for the giveaway. I have 5 sets of the Fresh Brush Kit & 12 Pad Refills for 5 lucky winners. To enter, just leave a comment before April 28th saying which household chore is your least favorite. That's it! Five random winners will be selected and notified on April 29th. They will then have 3 days to claim their prize. Don't forget to leave a way to contact you in case you win!
To earn extra entries, just subscribe to my feed and/or mention this giveaway on your blog with a link back here. Don't forget to let me know if you're doing/did the extra credit so I can make sure you're entered properly.
This giveaway is open to US addresses only. Good luck!
1 – 200 of 375 Newer› Newest»yeah , I'm first....toilets definitley toilets
Cleaning toilets and the bathroom in general. I also don't like making the beds! ;)
Ugh, definitely toilets. In a house of boys I try as often as possible to get hubby to do it.
I get your feed :)
Oh my... cleaning the bathroom of course! Followed by the kitchen, the litterbox (we have four cats... I swear I clean that 10x's a day!) and lastly the kid's room because kids will be kids - MESSY!!!!!
I can be reached at the URL attached to my name. THANKS!!!!
i hate cleaning the kitchen floor. i have a 3 yr old and 2 yr old and they throw food on the floor constantly. next would be toilets.
bwalleshauser AT yahoo DOT com
blogged ya
Hey girl!
I hate cleaning the kitchen!
Its like we always have a sink full,dishwasher full, and garbage bags full, plus we are in a apartment and the kitchen is tiny!
Cleaning the bathroom. Toilets and tubs are the worst!
mopping and I subscribed.
ginnyswe at gmail . com
Stripping and then remaking the beds. Ugh Hope I win!
Cleaning the bathroom ranks the worst.
I HATE cleaning the oven!! I have a self-clean and STILL I hate to wipe it out after the cycle.
I HATE washing the dishes! I don't have a dishwasher so I have to them all by hand. 2nd place would go to the toliet!
I hate doing dishes, they always seem to pile up even right after you've washed them!!There's always dishes!!!
PS. I signed for your rss feed!!!
Folding the clothes is the worst job. I will do everything else but not folding clothes.
Definately toilets !!'s the worst!
My least favorite is definitely washing dishes. We have a dishwasher, but some things still have to be done by hand, and I hate it! Thanks!
Honestly - I Hate to empty the dishwasher.. I don't care if I have to fill it.. but emptying is so AHHH!!! I'd like to try these.
Dishes! I despise doing the dishes and always try to get someone else to do them.
I hate mopping and scrubbing the floors.
I hate ironing - I just can not get it right!
i hate bathroom cleaning in general...the shower is just so awkward to clean...and toilet...YUCK! but really, a "free" toilet cleaner just might make it fun ( was the wrong word!)
First of all, I don't clean bathrooms, but I know my hubby would appreciate such a nifty tool to complete his weekly chore. My most hated thing to clean is my sons high chair, it doesn't matter what I use it retains a pink or yellow stain through the week.
My most hated task is cleaning the bath tub.
Washing dishes, because the sink fills up again almost immediately.
Washing dishes! ) :
Thanks for the giveaway! Sign me up!
In Christ,
The bathroom. Anything that has to do with cleaning the bathroom. I'd like it to be shiny clean all the time but need two extra cups of coffee to go in there and do it.
I've been wanting to try this. My least favorite chore is cleaning the bathrooms, especially the toilets. Thanks for the chance.
I am not at all a fan of cleaning the bathroom, I will do just about anything not to clean it.
I already RSS feed you does that count :)
the bathtub
The bathtub and shower, it is not only gross but back breaking work.
My least favorite chore is doing the laundry. I don't hate washing or drying I just hate folding and putting away.
My least favorite chore is doing laundry. I don't mind the washing and drying. I just hate putting it all away.
My least favorite chore is mopping the the time I get done with it, it's already dirty again!
My least favorite is cleaning the spot on the toilet where the bowl and tank meet. It seems like dust, hair, and crud build up around the two hinges.
I hate cleaning the tub.
yep cleaning toilets suck...LOL
Actually cleaning the whole house does, too...
The bathroom is always the worst, what with the male aim being off from time to time.
yourgrace2001ca at hotmail dot com
I pretty much don't mind cleaning the whole house, but I really don't like having to crawl behind the drier and washer to retrieve items and clean up the dust back there.
alaskawildrose At gmail dot com
Cleaning the's a pain! Thanks.
bucbratt at hotmail dot com
tubs and toilets are the worse!!!!!!!!
Cleaning the bathroom is the worst!
Hands down it is toilets! Thanks for the giveaway!
Toilets and dishes. I hate touching other people's leftover food and... toilet residue?
the floors, because of all the time it takes to get to them through the clutter. this would be a very practical giveaway- thanks bunches!
I hate cleaning the is something that I always put off doing which makes it that much worse...that and cleaning hair out of the drain...YUCK!
Well, toilets, of course!
Cleaning out the refrigerator is my least favorite. At least with toilets you usually have a long-handled brush... I would love to have a disposable one!
Cleaning the bathroom and making the beds!
I hate cleaning the kitchen...I find things my girls dropped, and I don't want to know what in the science experiment they are. Please enter me into this great giveaway.
My least favorite chore is unloading the dishwasher.
Thank you for the great giveaway!
islandreview rocks!
I really really hate cleaning the shower and tub. It is so hard to get all of the scum!!!!!!!
the toilet would have to be my #1 least fav chore. That and cleaning our walk-in shower, and mopping, oh and how about folding all the laundry and putting it away..... Oops, you asked for just one. :)
I hate cleaning my kids bathroom. Especially the toilet! I have four boys
Sounds great. :)
Cleaning the bathroom!
My least favorite is doing dishes. I have eczema and am allergic to the chemicals added to water, so when I do dishes my hands break out, and gloves do the same thing. Cleaning toilets is gross too, so I'd love to win! Thank you for the chance.
wow i could use this it would help out a lot and do i have a tip ? i cant think of one right now but well i have a lot of them lol thanks for entering me in
cleaning the bathroom is my worst nightmare
Cleaning the toilets. Yuck.
Mopping the bathroom.
The entire bathroom. I hate it.
I really hate to vacuum!!
I really hate to vacuum!!
I just hate making the bed. Wish I could change that.
I would say I can't stand folding/hanging laundry. I'm subscribed to your feed. Thanks for the opportunity.
I hate cleaning the tub and shower. it just never seems to look clean enough.
Cleaning the toilet.
I absolutely despise doing dishes!! I'd rather clean the whole house than wash dishes!! Especially the silverware!!
Num1twinkie at yahoo dot com
I hate cleaning the shower
I hate cleaning the toilets and the bathtub. Thanks for this giveaway.
I hate cleaning the toilets and under the bed!
cleaning the toliet
Hmmm dusting or vacuuming- I can't choose between them!
Cleaning the bathtub/shower is defintiely my least favorite!
thank you for the great contest
enter me please
pethof (at) gmail (dot) com
cleaning soap scum from the shower tiles, dusting is next
tiramisu392 (at)
scrubbing the walk-thru tiled shower! cleaning toilets is right there with it though :)
Laundry, it never ends.
Toilets are definitelt the yuckiest, but laundry takes a close second in my book!LOL! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!
cleaning the john
I hate cleaning closets for the change of seasons. It's so hard to get rid of stuff...I'm a pack rat!
gotta be the whole shower
I'd rather do just about anything, but not put away laundry! Don't mind washing it, or drying it, but HATE putting it away! lol
My least favorite chore is SCRUBBING TOILETS. I make my husband do it. So I'm sure he would appreciate this prize! Thanks for the great giveaway! our showers: one is tiled, one is a fiberglass composite material. I really HATE cleaning them !!!
I actually don't mind cleaning the bathroom - it's the daily doing the dishes that truly bugs me! But I'd love to win one of these! Thanks for offering this!
With the hard water we have here in Florida, anything having to do with cleaning the bathroom is a major pain! That's why I'd love to win this product!!
I don't mind cleaning the toilet.It's just to much stretching trying to clean the shower!
Scrubbing the shower. Yuck!
scrubbing my bathtub.
I dread cleaning the bathtub and/or shower.
tie: kitchen dishes and ironing...
I hate taking out the trash....
Cleaning the toilet, of course. It would be ironing, but I refuse to do that.
tiny525 AT
I hate cleaning the shower/tub, also under the stove and refrig. etc. I also don't like to iron!
Thanks for having this giveaway. Mopping is one of my least favorite chores - it seems that even after I am finished mopping, the floor is still dirty...
trishtheconqueror at hotmail dot com
cleaning the toilet
TESL 283 at yahoo dot com
toilet (s) I hate them. Especially with 3 boys in the house. This sounds like a great product. Is it septic tank safe?
thank you
Laundry because it is never done!
I hate ironing, and in fact, have declared it against my religion!
Toilets are my least favorite regular chore. But ovens and refrigerators come next with spring/fall cleanings.
kvicker at hotmail dot com
I hate cleaning toilets!
zoetrope2000 at gmail dot com
I so agree, it's cleaning the toilets. But somebody has to do it. I was seriously thinking about buying the Scrubbing Bubbles toilet wand because I use the Scrubbing Bubbles foam bathroom cleaner and I love it.
I hope I win...I hope I win...heels clicking together...I hope I win...
For some reason, I really have always disliked vacuuming.
I really hate making beds in the morning, but, I also hate having them unmade when I get home from work in the afternoon. Kind of a rock and hard place type of situation.
The laundry- it's neverending!
Cleaning the bathroom is the worst.
Absolute least favorite chore: cleaning up after the cat has vomited. It is too gross for words, especially if he has been eating wildlife
Eeewww! This one's for me! I loathe cleaning the toilets. We have three of them and with our grandsons ages three and seven at our home almost daily, the toilets need cleaning ALL the time. I'm game for anything new that can help.
I would have to say cleaning the bathroom... its the yuckiest job ever.
Oh, I hate cleaning the cat litter box. lol. But I love the cat so I'll do it.
Cleaning the bathroom!!!
I have always been a fan of the Scrubbing Bubbles
I agree with the majority -- toilet cleaning. I also have to do it at work, which involves strangers. Big ICK factor.
cleaning toilets and cleaning out the fridge is my least favorite things to do.
Mopping! I hate it!
I've been wanting to try this! I actually like cleaning the bathroom, but I really hate dusting!!!
cleaning the toilets!
annjsav at gmail dot com
I don't mind cleaning the toilets, what I hate is cleaning the floor around the toilets. EWWWW
definitely cleaning the toilets is the worst
gotfire (at) yahoo (dot) com
I've been wanting to try one of these! Ironing is actually my lease favorite chore!
I do NOT like to Iron, I hate it, yuck, icky, pft, blah (well I guess you get the idea).
cleaning the shower and tub.
Sigh! I pretty much despise all forms of cleaning. Cleaning bathrooms is my most hated task.
cleaning the toilet
I hate cleaning the toilet.
I hate cleaning the toilet, it's disgusting
i hate cleaning the dishes, usually by the time i get around to it, it has piled up and is hanging out of the sink and smells REALLY bad!
I personally have always hated washing dishes but now that I have two boys (8 and 4) the toilet is my least favorite since Im cleaning up "sprays" a few times a day :)
The entire bathroom - toilet, shower, sink - hate everything about it!
Wshing the windows is my least favorite chore. Some of the windows in my house are very hard to reach and I find that the windows are dirty again after just a couple of rainstorms.
The toilet, without a doubt. I get my husband to clean it, whenever possible.
i hate cleaning the kitchen, so many spiders, eeee!
I hate cleaning the tile floors. Getting grout white is a stinker.
Beind disables any chore is a chore to do, but my least favorite is cleaning the bathroom.
The toilet followed by cleaning out the stopper in the kitchen sink after everyone scrapes their plates. I can't stand getting anything gross on my hands so bribe or pay others to do that for me.
Dusting, gives me a headache
Cleaning the bathtub is a pain! colorfulcarla at
I hate doing dishes......
cleaning bathroom tile and bathtub.
Toliets have to be the worst!! YUCKY!
Cleaning the tub.
I hate cleaning the floor...I don't like to sweep or mop. Thankfully hubby usually takes care of that...
I have to go with laundry. It just never ends. Thank you!
My bathtub with having hard water its so hard to clean. Scrubbing bubbles works though.
i have a shower enclosure that will put it to the test
It would definitely be cleaning the toilet
My least favorite thing to clean is the shower/tub area. We have a big soaking tub and it is really hard to clean. Thanks for the chance to win!
Cleaning the bathroom is my least favorite chore.
Cleaning the bathrooms isn't actually the worst for me. It doesn't take very long and while cleaning the toilets isn't wonderful, it isn't horrible either (course, check back with me when my 7 month old boy starts missing the bowl!).
Cleaning the fridge is actually my least favorite chore. It's all little details and tedious! Ugh!
I have to say, cleaning floors is my least favorite chore. There is nothing worse than dragging out a mop of any kind and scrubbing away only to have it get dirty again in 3 minutes.
Cleaning the bathroom is my least favorite!
I live in a house of 5 people 3 of which are males. Anything that can make cleaning the bathroom easier is very appreciated here!
We have concrete floors that I have to seal once a month. Trying to get them clean, so I don't seal in dirt, then keep two toddlers and a dog off for an hour is next to impossible! The toilet comes in a close second though!
I do NOT like dusting and cleaning "trinkets". Windows are aweful too. OH, wait, Spring cleaning takes up way too much time....did I mention that running the sweeper is like walking on a mine field? never know what you have suckedup in there until you hear the sound that is unmistakable! now that I'm thinking of it....picking up after people is a hopeless task and my yelling doesn't seem to help. oh yes, wait! I'm not done don't go...........................listen to what else I don't like to clean.....bathrooms......I have more!!!! wait................................................
My least favorite chore is cleaning the toilets! there are 3 of them in our house. I think is is an awful thing to have to clean. LOL
washing dishes...we're so forgetful that we don't always rinse after using, so i have to scrub before putting them in the lest fave used to be toilets until I found Clorox toilet cleaner...apply, let sit, and your toilet is clean as ever! NO MORE SCRUBBING! Love that stuff!!
Laundry! UGH!!!
It's a toss up between laundry and cleaning the bathtub. I don't like cleaning in general but I guess not many people do! :) Would love to win this!
I don't like the time it takes me to clean. My boyfriend make an mess in any room and does not clean to my standards. This product would cut down on my time since training him is not working after all these years.
I hate hate hate scrubbing the tub! it takes forever and hurts my knees lol
I hate laundry. It. never. ends. My daughter wears 3 outfits a day (not MY choice, she just gets messy or spills something and has to change). My work clothes that I change out of when I get home plus the comfy clothes I put on in the evenings PLUS jammies and my hubby's work clothes and regular clothes... ughhh It just piles up over a couple days and I feel overwhelmed.
Cleaning the toilet (especially with boys who can't seem to hit the hole) is the absolute worst!
I HATE cleaning bathrooms!! I have 5 boy's..if you know what i mean. Thanks for the contest, this would be a great prize for me!
I have to say that toilets are my main downfall when it comes to housecleaning! This would be a godsend, lol.
I'm mommy to four little boys that don't know how to aim, lol. Thankfully, I'm pg with a little girl...who shouldn't make as much of a mess as her brothers!
i hate to vaccumn
For some reason doing the laundry just really gets to me. I think it's because of the waiting time between loads.
It's really hard for me to clean because I gag alot :(( Mostly when cleaning the toilet and the bathroom and sometimes cleaning dishes. Thank God this was invented. Goodbye to those unsanitary toilet brushes you have to keep.
toilets, so my husband does them :)
toliets an washing dishes are my least favorites of all,but I hate dusting too,lets face it ,I really hate it all,I need a robot to do it all!lol,but count me in please ,thanks
Folding laundry
I don't have a self-cleaning oven and I Hate, really Hate cleaning my oven.
I really don't like to clean the bathroom floor---especially near the toilet.
My household chore that I do not like to do is dusting. For me this is a chore. I hate having to take all the little things off the shelves and entertainment center,
hate it YUK.
Thank you
love it
I agree with you. Cleaning toilets is the worst. Please enter me.
Scooping the litter box.
That's easy...basically chore having to do with the bathroom is the worst for me.
cleaning up after my dogs
Hello; Instead of TimeOut when the children act out .... They have to keep the bathroom, because that is one chore I don't care for.
Toilets are pretty bad. I don't like cleaning the lime out of the shower either
I've been wanting to try this-so I'd love to win one of them. Thanks!
I HATE to vacuum.
I HATE to vacuum.
Folding laundry is sooooo tedious.
hello DOT scarlett AT gmail DOT com
I hate cleaning floors
toilets and bathrooms in general. wet hair is REALLY hard to clean up!
I dont mind cleaning the bathroom or the toilet. I hate, hate doing laundry.
I hate doing windows!
I hate emptying the dishwasher and folding clothes!! Ugh...
I absolutely DO NOT like cleaning the toilets. How appropriate is that? Thanks!
Cleaning the bathtub.
Mopping the floors and as a result, it NEVER gets done!
Being the only girl in my house, I'd have to say it's definitely the bathrooms - in particular, the toilets! These would make my work a lot easier. Thanks for giving us a chance to win this product!
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