Thursday, January 17, 2008

Giveaway: Shrek the Third DVD

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for your participation.
The winner is Brit of And baby makes 3 . . .

Hey all you Shrek fans! I've got a copy of Shrek the Third DVD to giveaway. To enter, just leave a comment below before midnight, January 22nd saying who your favorite character from the movie is. That's it. A random winner will be selected and contacted on January 23rd.

To earn extra entries, just subscribe to my feed or blog about this giveaway with a link back here. Also, please leave a way to contact you in case you win.

This giveaway is open to everyone world-wide. Good luck!

Product description: "When Shrek married Fiona the last thing he had in mind was becoming the next King of Far Far Away. But when Shrek’s father-in-law, King Harold, suddenly croaks, that is exactly what he faces. Recruiting Donkey and Puss In Boots for a new quest, Shrek sets out to bring back the rightful heir to the throne. Meanwhile back in the kingdom, Fiona's jilted Prince Charming storms the city with an army of fairy tale villains to seize the throne. Fiona and a band of princesses must stop him to ensure there will be a kingdom left to rule!"


Unknown said...

I love Fiona- She has karate skills, is a peacemaker, and fun loving.

Anonymous said...

Shrek of course! Gotta love that Scottish accent.

macdonald_c [at] hotmail [dot] com

Katie said...

I love Puss in Boots... those eyes!

The Mom of 'em said...

Donkey, of course!

Tiffany said...

My favorite is Puss in Boots. I actually have not gotten a chance to see the third one yet, but have wanted to. This would be a great chance!

Bree said...

Fiona, of course!

Donna said...

Baby Shreks, they are way too cute!!!!


Laura M.- Editor said...

In this house, we love, Donkey!

Brit said...

How sad that I haven't even seen it yet!!! But I've always loved the Gingerbread man!

Shannon @ Some Fine Taters said...


Anonymous said...

donkey is hilarious, but i love shreks accent. reminds me of my family in scotland
bwalleshauser at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My daughter loves the Fiona.


Julie said...

Gotta love donkey-I think I can relate :-)

Anonymous said...

Puss in Boots is our fave.

Brooke said...

The Cat - always Puss!!! And then the Gingerbread Man.

Brooke said...

The Cat - always Puss!!! And then the Gingerbread Man.

Anonymous said...

Puss and the eyes!

2migirlsmom said...

I love the strong woman that Fiona is in this series.

NerdMom said...

My favorite is also Fiona!

Katie B said...

Shrek is my favorite character. He is so loveable despite his tough facade.

Anonymous said...



Bebemiqui said...

Oh, I kinda like Charming in a jerky kinda way.

I'm on the feed.

bebemiqui82 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Stacey Moore said...

we love donkey!! thanks!!

Jen said...

We love Donkey too!! Just thinking of the movie makes me hear his voice in my head. LOL

fyjules said...

My favorite is Shrek, his accent is a bonus.

Andrea said...

I love Donkey! :) He's TOO funny! I also blogged about your contest here:

JaniceJ said...

Donkey is my favorite!

MamaChristy said...

Donkey - even if Eddie Murphy is a little weird these days...

Unknown said...

Baby Shreks so cute

Chief Family Officer said...

It's Shrek - mostly because my son adores the opening sequence in the first movie that's set to "All-Star" when Shrek does all the gross hygiene stuff.

Oh yeah, and I also subscribe to your feed! :D

noreen said...

Gingy in mjy fav, the dream scene in sherk 3 was just too fun, also the muffin man exchange in 1 always makes me laugh

Angela said...


I blogged you too

danandmarsh said...


kristen said...


Hedi said...

thanks for great giveaway!

Maude Lynn said...


Rachel said...

My favourite has to be the babies! I have twins and that is enough of a handful I can't imagine having 3!!

Anonymous said...

I love them all, but Donkey is my favorite!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

I haven't seen this one but I always like Fiona.


Angie said...

Donkey has always been my favorite! I'm subscribed to your feed. Thanks

Kira said...

The ogre babies are my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Surely donkey is my favorite...

Anonymous said...

I like the gingerbread man.

The Robinson Family said...

Fiona is my favorite..the little darling!

bison61 said...

my grandchildren and I agree - our favorite is donkey!

Lolly said...

I love DONKEY! Hysterical...

Anonymous said...

Baby Shreks

It has been post at

Submit and find blog contests, sweepstakes, giveaways and free stuff at

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

My favorite was Shrek. It was interesting to see how they made him (the soon to be father) worry about having kids.

I already subscribe to your feed.

Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

We like the three Shrek babies

Anonymous said...

Doris is my favourite character!

Anonymous said...

haven't seen this one yet so i'd love to win it - so i'll use my experience from the first 2 and say my favorite character has to be Donkey, funny funny funny - I love Puss and think he should have more of a story line...

Anonymous said...

ooops, forgot to mention that i subscribe to your feed, and have a link to your site in my giveaways page...

Sassyfrazz said...

I love Donkey! He rocks...and is super funny!

I am subscribbed to your feed, as well!

Thanks for a super giveaway~
sharvey at connections-etc dot net

Tricia said...

Puus n Boots, of course

Alexia said...

I love Shrek...he's anti-social, like me!

I've blogged about your contest here:

Chungyen Chang said...

donkey, by far!

Kacy said...

No question, Puss in boots!!! (hope I spelled that right)

Tisa said...

My favorite is Shrek! ~ :)

Anonymous said...

Donkey is my favorite!

Amber said...

Donkey - hands down!

Tish said...

My favorite is Donkey. Great contest! :)

Anonymous said...

I love Puss, way too cute and cool!
pristinechristmas at yahoo dot com

I subscribed to your feed also!

Taryn said...

I love the gingerbread man :)

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

Our favorite is Puss. He's like our kitties at home.

Anonymous said...

Shrek is our favorite.

gjgille said...

Donkey is my favourite! I like his witty humour!

Angela said...

Awesome! Here's my contest post:

Gretchen Magruder said...

Puss in boots!!

Anonymous said...

I still love Donkey. He cracks me up! And I have blogged about you. The link will be up in a minute.

Anonymous said...

Puss In Boots

Unknown said...

I love Puss!

Kathleen said...

I love Gingie.My hubby wanted us to name our last daughter Fiona but I said no because I would always picture Fiona from Shrek! I've blogged about your contest at my Callista's Ramblings blog.

DBN said...


Anonymous said...

My son loves Donkey because "it" spanks its butt!

Ginny said...

Puss in boots :)

Qtpies7 said...

I love the babies, they are so ugly they are cute, lol. But I love Donkey, too.

I blogged you:

Anonymous said...

Our family just love these movies. My kid really love donkey!

Anonymous said...

Donkey is my absolute favourite. Great contest and a wonderful prize. I would love to win this. Thanks for hosting the contest.

Brandy said...

We love Shrek!


Anonymous said...

Gingerbread boy is my fav. Wish my toddler would poop gumdrops!

Anonymous said...

I haven't even been able to see #3 yet!! But I loved Puss in Boots in the last can you resist that kitty? LOL Please count me in, and I do already subscribe to your feed!

Jennifer said...

Donkey has always been my favorite. He's just HILARIOUS! I'd love to win, so please count me in. FYI - I'm a feed subscriber already! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jennifer :-)

Karin said...

Fiona....enter me please. Thank you.

Rach said...

Shrek's babies are my favorite...they are so cute!

Anonymous said...

The donkey.
Please enter me. Thanks!

Jenny said...

I just love love love the donkey. He is too funny and I crack up all the time at him!!!

Anonymous said...

I love donkey. He is just too funny!

Sundi said...

I love Donkey!

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

In this movie I think I like the princesses the best. Especially when Snow White tries to give Fiona one of the dwarves as a nanny.

Anonymous said...



Michele said...

I like the Gingerbread Man...he's too cute!

Unknown said...

thanks i love sherk alot u r great man