Saturday, March 1, 2008

Giveaway: Little Einsteins Race for Space DVD

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for your participation!
The winner is The Purvis Family!

If your children are anything like mine, they're going to love this!

Disney recently released a brand new DVD from the Little Einstein crew - Race for Space.

From the product: "Rev up Rocket and soar full-speed ahead into action-packed, music-powered adventures! Join Leo, June, Quincy, Annie and Rocket on a mission to rescue the Three Little Piggies when their airplanes spin out of control. Can Rocket fly fast enough and far enough to bring the Piggies all the way home? Only with your help! Journey with the Little Einsteins as they zoom to outer space on their most thrilling voyage ever! Then, get ready to race around the globe against the world s greatest flying machines. But look out! Big Jet is up to his old tricks, and he ll do anything to win the trophy. Whether your preschooler is exploring the ancient city of Machu Picchu, whooshing past stars and planets or searching for hidden treasure in Hawaii, Race For Space is a first-class ticket to nonstop entertainment you can enjoy together!"

Would you like to win a copy for your DVD library? To enter, just leave a comment below saying which Little Einstein is your favorite before midnight March 9th. That's it! A random winner will be selected and notified on March 10th.

To earn extra entries, just subscribe to my feed and/or mention this giveaway on your blog. Please let me know if you're doing the extra credit so I can make sure you're entered properly. Don't forget to leave a way to contact you if you win.

This giveaway is open to everyone world-wide. Good luck!


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Jessica said...

We love June around here. She makes my little girl dance around a lot. Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Our favorite is Leo. He reminds me of my son, always thinking. I also subscribe to you feed and mentioned the contest at Thanks for hosting the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

We love June, too. She's too adorable. We don't ever miss this show! Thanks for the contest! ( )

Anonymous said...

June is our favorite too. But Rocket is a close second. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

June is a favorite here too!

mverno said...

june is my favorate

peg42 said...

Thanks for the giveaway. June is a favorite at our house. Thanks.

James & Aimee said...

We've not started to watch Little Einstein yet but we are ready too! If we win I'm sure we'll have a favorite real soon!

ezmerelda said...

We're going to have to go with June also. My neice would love this DVD.

jenny said...

this realy looks like a good dvd i would verry much love foe my little one to have it

Anonymous said...


Maria's Space said...

We love Leo and June over here.

Anonymous said...

My daughter loves June because she's a dancer, too.

agordon10 said...

my son says Quincy

Maude Lynn said...

Rocket is our favorite!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in.

Mary_Freebies == internationalfreebies AT

windycindy said...

Hi, I would say "Leo!" He so reminds me of my son! He is quiet, but in his eyes you can tell the wheels are turning! Thanks,Cindi

Anonymous said...

What a great contest hope I win.

Anonymous said...

my son love Rocket!!! and would love to win the little E giveaway

Anonymous said...

We love June...please enter us in the drawing. We also subscribe to your feed through email.

Anonymous said...

June is our favorite!

Chief Family Officer said...

Annie is our favorite because she sings! Thanks for the contest! (I subscribe to your RSS feed.)


noreen said...

Annie is my favorite

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

My little guy likes Leo, but he still isn't into names much yet. =)

Bebemiqui said...

We like June.Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

Meredith said...


idahomom said...

Quincy is the best.



kitnlov said...


Anonymous said...

My son loves Little Einsteins! I was sent to your blog from Diaper Diaries. I have added you to my feeds as I saw some fun stuff and can't wait to check out more of you blog. Thanks for the contest!

Marcia said...

My daughter likes June the best. We bought her all 5 of the stuffed dolls from the Disney store and that's the one she carries around the most.

Unknown said...

Leo, because he drives, says my four year old.

jennifer57 said...

June is a favorite here with my kids

PS said...

My son likes Leo! Maybe because he's always in the car!

Anonymous said...

we like Leo


ky2here said...

Leo, just because.

Bree said...

We love June, too!

Bree said...

We love June, too!

Tyler said...

Leo is my son's favorite - no question!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

The girls in this house love June!

Becky said...

My son's favorite is Rocket.

Mary512 said...

My daughters favorite is June. She has 3 shirts with her on it. blogged ya:

thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Amy said...

I love June. She's just so cute and always gets the kids dancing :)

Anonymous said...

I like Quincy

dolls123 (at) gmail (dot) com

Christy@pipandsqueak said...

We don't have cable so the only time I have seen the show was when we were living in Norway and it was in Norwegian. My duaghter still liked to watch it though so we would love to have the DVD. I like the blonde girl from what I saw.
cskeeters at juno dot com

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Definitely June!



Heather said...

My 17 mo son loves Quincy, and my 5 yr old daughter loves Leo, but I like "big jet" :)

Nevans said...

June is are favorite. I have added you to my feed. Thanks for the chance to win something for the kiddos.

shimmala said...

Annie is my fave. I love to sing too!

kathy55439 said...

JUNE is my fav.....

Anonymous said...

Leo and Rocket!
Thanks for the chance!
dansan826 at

Sassyfrazz said...

my sons like leo~

I am subscribed, too~

Uniquely Yours said...

We love June!! Thanks for the giveaway.

Alison said...

Can Rocket count?
Annie is a favorite too!
nottheplan at gmail dot com

Tarasview said...

ok... Son #1 loves Rocket, Son #2 loves Leo, daughter seems to prefer Annie and I am partial to June. Husband likes rocket as well.

I love the little Einsteins!

taradawnrobertson at hotmail dot com

kevnjacks said...

We love June over here b/c we're Asian and it's been hard finding Asian role models on TV for the kids these days. :)

T'aowyn said...

Of course I love June. My nephew loves watching LE.

strawberry3d said...

annie is the favorite

Suzie Williams said...

Annie is our fave.

Kari said...

I love Leo, he does remind me of both my boys. :)

Donna said...

We love June...please enter us in the drawing

clc408 said...

We like Leo. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

leo is our fave,my son loves this show!!

Jennifer said...

If I'm being totally honest, I've heard of the Little Einsteins, but couldn't tell you a favorite, because I've never watched them. I'd be winning for my nephew, who I know would be quick to tell you his favorite, though. As always, thanks for the chance to win & I'm already a feed subscriber! Thanks!

Jennifer :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, with a household of dancing girls, June is surely our favorite!! Thanks

Amy W said...

I love Quincy since he plays kids love these movies!

Amy W said...

And I subscribed to your feed, thanks!

vboackle said...

we like leo.

2migirlsmom said...

My little ballerina loves June.

sweetsue said...

We like June!

KISSaholic4life said...


Chrissy said...

My son loves Leo, but Rocket is a close second! He loves to "blast off" just like Rocket!

denyse said...

I was told we had to go w/ Rocket!

Anonymous said...

we love june!


Anonymous said...



Panjo Kids said...

June is my favorite!

imjasonc said...

my son likes Quincy.

Anonymous said...

June is our favorite, my daughter wants to be JUNE. LOL!

Chantelle said...

we love rocket!

JC Lussier said...

My Daughter loves June and My son is a Quincy Fan.

Ivÿ said...

it has to be leo and june! :)

subscribed to your rss feed.

thanks for sharing the giveaway. =)


CPA Mom said...

If I had to pick, I'd say Leo. We love them all at our house!

janetfaye said...

We love Leo.

janetfaye said...

We love Leo.

moushka said...

I don't know anything about Little Einsteins so we don't have any favorite characters, yet.

phxbne said...

I really like June and my daughter likes Leo

Anonymous said...

Love Leo he is my favorite!!


My daughter loves June.

Cricket said...

My daughter really likes Leo and June. She likes Leo because he uses the conductor wand (which she has) and she loves that. She likes June because she is a dancer too!

I personally like Annie because she has moxie.

Leanna said...

We like them all, but I think Leo is my son's favorite

sillelin said...


littlelatina said...

My son really likes Leo

Anonymous said...

We love Annie!


Anonymous said...

Our daughter loves them all since she danced with them at Disney World!

Anonymous said...

Leo's the man.

Best regards,

hungsberg (@) gmail (dot) com

carissaad said...

Love June!

Heather said...

Does "Red Rocket" count as a character? That is definately our favorite!

Dumaurier said...

I like June but my son looooves Quincy....Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Jodi said...

Sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!

holly K said...

My son likes Leo and walks around with anything resembling a stick and conducts music! My daughter likes June so she can dance around! We like little einsteins!

Anonymous said...

We like June.

soha said...

My DD and I like June.

sherryp said...

we love june

Anonymous said...

My kids love this show! They love the red rocket ship the best. lol

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

Annie looks so much like my daughter! She loves Little Einsteins!

Anonymous said...

I personally like June, but my nephew likes Leo the best. :)


mousitch said...


Becca said...

We love the "Team Up for Adventure" DVD.

Anonymous said...

Probably June.


Brandy said...

I'd have to say June because my daughter loves to dance! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Leo is our favorite Little Einstein. Thanks for the giveaway. txterri[at]aol[dot]com

Sundi said...

We like Quincy! Thanks!

Angela Robinson said...

June, hand's down...well...Norah might say Annie and June, but Annie's singing can wear on my nerves a little, so I say June!

miriama said...

June is our favorite!

iggysaysno said...

Leo's the one for us!

Anonymous said...

my kids would love this, please enter me, thanks!

Rockin' Mama said...

We like June!

I'm a subscriber!!!

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

jubilee said...

Rocket is our favorite character but Leo is a close second.

And I've just become a subscriber!

Thank you.

Deb said...

Abby and Hannah love to pretend to be the Little Einsteins. Hannah is always Annie, Abby is always June, and Ron and I get to be Leo and Quincy. I can never talk them into letting me play a girl part, but I think that June is my favorite. :)

Adding your new contests to my contest page and always subscribing...

Anonymous said...

June is our favorite my kids would love this

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

leo is our favorite

Brooke Lorren said...

My daughter likes June

sachidewey said...

My son loves Rocket

Anonymous said...

My nephew likes Leo

Anonymous said...

My daughter loves June and loves to see her dance.
grace at sandierpastures dot com

Anonymous said...


sassy2 said...

how fun

Unknown said...

Our favorite is Mission Celebration. They are all fun!

Angela said...

This would be the perfect gift for Connor's first birthday coming up here in two months!!

I blogged you too

Jaxim said...

Leo is the best

purplepassion126 said...

It has to be June.

cluster77 said...

I do not have a favorite character. The boys watch it some, but not as often as I would like. My nephew's birthday is in June and this would make a great gift for him.

Two Bloggin Moms said...

It's a toss up between Leo and Quincy for my son, but my dd loves to sing with Annie.

Anonymous said...

we like annie and her singing! thanks for the chance to win! -beth k
bethersparker at yahoo dot com

ogarac said...

June is our favorite. She looks like my daughter and loves to dance just like my daughter. :)


bison61 said...

The kids say Annie is their favorite!

tiramisu392 (at)

Erica C. said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Leo is the fav.

Anonymous said...


We have not started watching this show yet, however from what i have heard June is amazing.


Anonymous said...

Our favorite one is Quincy.

Anonymous said...

We love June and Rocket and well all of them - do I really have to pick 1 favorite??? My girl gets so excited when the show comes on jumping up and down saying "little einsteins little einsteins" this is quite a site since she just turned two!


Kelly said...

June is my little girl's favorite. Great giveaway!

Heather B said...

In our house June and Quincy are our favorites

Andrea said...

Leo is our favorite

Julie Donahue said...

My daughter loves Annie. I have a scrapbook page with my blondie in braids and a jumper. I put a paper piecing on Annie.

Anonymous said...

Our favorite is definely Rocket. He rocks!


Romie said...

My little girl loves rocket but if having to pick an actual kid it would be June.

Tammy said...


Anonymous said...

We love Rocket! I subscribed to your feed too.

dwhogan said...


Anonymous said...

June is our favorite!

JOYVEN said...

June is my favorite

Anonymous said...

June :)

Shawna said...

I really don't have a favorite but my daughter LOVES rocket. He's the fastest one on the team!

Sonya said...


Unknown said...

My daughter loves Leo best.

Andy said...

Leo rocks.

Brown Family said...

My little girl loves June!

Anonymous said...

Me and my grandson love rocket. Would love to win this one. thank you

mommysweeps said...

we love rocket!
thanks for the contest

toyota said...

'Annie' is my favorite. Would love to win. thanks. please enter me.

Unknown said...

we love june here!

Natalie said...

June is my daughter's fav. She even has a hoodie with her on it. :)

redron said...


Erica G said...

We like June!

Ninacu said...

My grand daughter's favorite is Annie....thanks!

Unknown said...

We love June!!

twinkietam said...

My son is 9 months and loves the Baby Einstein Discovering Shapes & First signs but he isn't old enough to watch The Little Einsteins. I would love this though for when he is older!

twinkie_tam AT hotmail DOT com

Kristine said...

Love all of them, but my little guy loves "Weo" and he looks just like him!

Jinxy and Me said...

June! Thanks for the contest!

Catrina Pomerleau said...

June is a favorite here.

yellowlabs said...

June is my favorite!

Shannon said...

My little guy's favorite is Leo, my girl prefers June. They even have a pretend rocket (cardboard box). :)

Anonymous said...

june is my favorite

what little girls are made of said...

my daughter likes Annie the best, because she sings! Also, I just subscribed to your blog! It's great!

what little girls are made of said...

my daughter likes Annie the best, because she sings! Also, I just subscribed to your blog! It's great!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

My daughter likes June! Thanks for the contest.

Brooke said...

My daughter had her first crush on Leo.

Brooke said...

My daughter had her first crush on Leo.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

June is a favorite at our house. Thanks for giving us the chance to win.

masonsgranny59 said...

We love June, too!ty 4 the nice contest!!

Anonymous said...

We love Leo!

Anonymous said...

My son's favorite is Leo he says that Rocket is also a favorite, but he isnt a Little Einstein. Lol. Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

thank you for the great contest

enter me please

pethof (at) gmail (dot) com

we love June

Anonymous said...

Rocket is the best, however June is a very close 2nd best! My daughter loves the music the most.
My daughter is 3 and my son is 8 months we have many years to enjoy a DVD like this:)

Anonymous said...

I have to say that June seems to be the favorite in our house. My daughter loves to "dancy dancy dance" with her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Leo here. :)

mountainrailway at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My son loves Quincy and all of the instruments that he plays.


Giulianna @ Family Blueprint said...

Hmmm...each of my three youngest have different can I say Leo, Quincy, June, and Annie??? Of course I am partial to the girls...hee hee!

Thank you for the opportunity!

Karen said...

Leo is our favorite around here:) I also get your daily feed via email. Thanks!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Tricia said...

My boys like Leo.


memetu said...

Race for Space

Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaway with Leo as the favorite. Thanks

Teri said...

June is so cute! My preschoolers would love to watch this on their movie day :)

*Tanyetta* said...

Leo all day long!!!!

Taryn said...


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