Thursday, September 27, 2007

Giveaway - Toolbox for New Dads DVD & Book

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for your participation.
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Congratulations to Matthew!

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Remember a while ago I did a couple of reviews on Fathering Your School-Age Child and Toolbox for New Dads? Well, since I'm done with both of them, I'd like to give them away to someone else who could benefit from this wealth of information.

To enter, just leave a comment before September 27th midnight saying one thing that you wished you knew before you had kids. Or if you're a brand new expectant parent, one question you have about babies. A winner will be randomly selected on the 28th. Good luck!

BTW, don't forget to leave a way to contact you either via email or url.

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Rockin' Mama said...

Wow! I'm the first to comment. I am a NICU nurse and have been working with babies for 7+ years so I thought I knew everything there was to know! Boy was I wrong. I think the most shocking is how little sleep I get night after night after night. People told me that I wouldn't get much sleep...but I didn't really believe them.

jasonncaryn [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I really didn't know the capacity I had to love someone so much before I had my daughter.

I'm not a blogger but here is my email address to contact me.

Anonymous said...

Being that I am a Mom of seven, whou would think that I'd have it all down pat by the third one. HA! I'm still learning things when it comes to my children. Each one is different. They all don't magically crawl, sit up, walk, etc. at an exact age. They take their own sweet little time.

I added your contest in my Friday Edition of Contests Galore

houseofeling said...

I wish I knew that I would consider 8 am as sleeping in....

...and that 10:30 would be staying up late!

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd known what I was doing! I had kids young and thought I knew it all, but raising them and trying to teach them how to be productive and smart... it's a lot harder then I thought it would be! I wish I had been older and more prepared :)

Doreen said...

I would say the ability to know and love them so much.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful I got to stay home with my kids when they were small.
I wish knowing what I knew now that I would have went to school then instead of now.

Bebemiqui said...

I wish I'd realized how much they would teach me.

Andrea said...

I have the same 'wish' as the last comment...I wish I knew how much I would learn from THEM!!

Christine said...

I wish I knew that every time my children's heart broke, mine would break; that whenever they hurt, I would hurt; that their excitement would be my excitement; and, that their joy would bring a smile to my face. I truly didn't know that I was capable of loving one individual so much!

I'll be posting about this giveaway asap!!

lotsofpets said...

I wish I knew how much fun they were. I would have had a bunch of them earlier in my life! They are awesome!

peg42 said...

I wish that I had knew that when a infant runs a temperature, it's not unusual for it to be high. Very scary.

agordon10 said...

i wish i'd have known how to keep a straight face when you sometimes have to punish them even though what they did was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd know that my parents really did know what they were talking about.

Anonymous said...

I wish that I knew ahead of time that they can get sick so quickly

Anonymous said...

I wish I had known how much they copy everything you do.

Anonymous said...

i would love to share this with my son so he could balance it with all the helpful information I'm giving him

ky2here said...

That they'll grow so quickly.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had know that some children require DIFFERENT parenting. My son has AUTISM. I wish I had known what I now know about parenting a child with special needs. Even then it seems to be en ever learning process. ...............but well worth the effort. MARK BURTON

Anonymous said...

I'm a new Bonus Mom(I hate the term step-mom) to 2 girls. The oldest and I clicked from the first moment, the youngest and I had a bit of a struggle. I'd love the fathering book for my husband.

I also have a friend with a new baby that the other item would be great for.

Thank you for the opportunity to win.

anavarre1331 said...

i wish i knew how much my heart would hurt as i silently drank in all that i could while i watched them sleep.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had known that when my baby fell and hit his/her head/knee/bottom/nose/etc that it would hurt me ten times worse then it hurt him/her!! I remember the first time my middle son got hurt (besides a scraped knee or something of the like). We were in the middle of moving and he was running through the (almost empty) house. He fell and hit his head on a bed frame we were putting together. He split his eyebrow wide open. He forgot about it in no time flat....I was crying for a week. That was four years ago and I still tear up every time I see that scar!!

T'aowyn said...

I am trying to conceive, Is having a girl or boy easier? I hear that boys are easier but either one would bring me joy.

Anonymous said...

I will be a first time dad the first of December. I couldn't belive the love I felt when I saw the first ultrasound. It really hit me then that wow, I will be a dad! It's a boy!
Is there a secret to help a baby if they have their days and nights mixed up?


Unknown said...

enter me please

JOAM said...

I'm not sure what I'm in for, but I'll be a happy father either way in December. I'm praying that my baby will be healthy, but most of all I can't wait to see what changes are ahead for my life.
What are the most memorable adjustments you had to make as a new parent?

Anonymous said...

It never ceases to amaze me how my children can go from onery little squirts, to being the loving cherished little people (that I know they really are) in such a short amount of time.

One minute I want to pull my hair out, the next I'm thinking "okay in a few weeks that'll be funny!"


kamewh said...

I wish I knew how hard it was to send them off to their first day of school

Unknown said...

No matter what the age, your children will always need your love and guidence.

Noggy said...

At age 40, my son is having his first child next month. Questions galore...he has them as does his 32-year-old wife. I would love to be able to give them some tools to make the transition to parenthood an effective one. I only wish they had come up with tools like these when I had my sons. God knows I said more than once..."I wish they came with user guide."

Anonymous said...


irish said...

I wish I had known how much I wall fall in love with them. As a dad you know you will love your children but until they are born and in your arms do you realize just how much. They are my sun and moon and make everyday a day of amazement and give me a new look at the simple beauty life has to offer.

Unknown said...

I wish I knew that kids weren't just molded from my great wisdom and experience because they have their own personalities and ideas. Even when they are newborns they have a mind of their own.

groovyoldlady said...

Having 2 that are grown adults and 2 that are still small and cute and funny: I wish I had known that following "perfect" parenting parameters does not guarantee happy teens or well adjusted adults. Conversely, I wish I had known that kids are remarkably resiliant and that most of the parenting mistakes we make will NOT scar them for life.

Anonymous said...

I need more help now that I'm divorced

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