The winner is Carrie of Life is Like a Mountain Railway.
"Children spend more time watching television than any other activity . . ." The National Institute on Media and the Family
I admit it, on occasion I have been guilty of using the television as a baby sitter. I really do try to limit the time the girls spend watching the tube but sometimes I just can't help turning it on so I can tune out. So who can blame them when they start to rebel once I come to my senses and pull the plug?
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children’s screentime should be limited to one to two hours of quality programming per day. However, young people spend an average of three hours per day watching television, 49 minutes per day playing video games and more than an hour per day using the computer for something other than schoolwork.

This is where BOB The Screentime Controller comes in. BOB puts an end to child-parent conflicts about screentime by setting limits to how long a child is allowed to watch television. Once that limit is reached, electronics are shut off. The great thing about this device is that you can use it on any electronic device that has a screen. And it can be programmed to monitor 6 different users.
How would you like to win BOB (value $99) for your family? To enter, just leave a comment below before January 15th mentioning how many hours you think your family watches television on a daily basis. That's it. A random winner will be selected and notified on January 16th.
As usual, you may earn extra entries by subscribing to my feed or by mentioning this giveaway on your blog with a link back here and to BOB The Screentime Controller. Let me know if you're doing/did the extra credit so I can make sure you're entered properly. Don't forget to leave a way to contact you in case you win!
This giveaway is open to US & Canada only. Good luck!
My son was watching too much TV (he would practically watch it all day), but I've been doing my best to cut back on that by letting him watch it for about 4 - 6 hours a day.
Hmm, probably anywhere from 2-5 hours a day. I'm looking forward to them both being in school so that they won't have access to so many cartoons.
I notice that often the TV is on but the girls are off doing other things....
at least they're not just sitting around watching it I guess!
It would be nice to limit the time the TV can be on!
I think 1- 2 hours a day depending if Im workign at night and daddy is tired! I've stopped putting on the TV when I take a shower in the am- to help cut down.
jbubolz-miller@hotmail.com- signed up for the newsletter=)
My grandson watches tv about 3 of the 5 hours he may be at my house!
That's neat! My kids watch about 2 hours per day, if that. Me? I watch 30 minutes or less.
I'm sub'd to your feed =)
I suspect we watch at least 2 hours per day, more on days when I am tired!
Our TV is on from 6 in the morning till we go to bed but sometimes it is not watched by anyone
Well, my personal opinion is that gadgets are fine. But the underlying discipline that a child needs to develop is more important. Even more important is the respect that they must learn, to listen and obey.
The device can help. But it should not replace good old discipline and values. A parent who shrugs and say "oh, the timer's run out, sorry" is doing worse than one who tries to control the child's TV time (even if she fails). It's the interaction. Ooops... too long a comment!
The whole family? probably 10 person hours (Hubby and I tend to watch 2-3 hours a night the kids watch 2-3 hours a day combined..it's not easy tho, It's so easy to use the TV to get them to stop destroying things!
this would be great!! thanks so much!!
How great this would be, my grandson watches about 3 hours a day.
I think my husband and I watch about 2-3 hours per day, although we are often doing other things at the same time. We let our children watch only about 1/2 hour per day during the week and maybe 2 hours per day during the weekend.
This looks like a great product!
My family watches a lot of TV. I think it is ok in moderation, but I know they are teetering on the too much side right now.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I'd guess 2-3 hours per day. I'd like it to be less, but I can't narrow down which programs are the MOST educational! There are so many that teach good skills and hold their attention sometimes better than I can by myself! ( meg dot wilson at gmail dot com )
Hmmm...I try to turn the TV off during the day while I'm home with my baby. We might watch A video but no longer than 15-20 minutes. When hubbie gets home we probably watch at least 2 hours once the baby is asleep trying to catch up on shows we've taped.
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
unfortunatelt, i dont think our tv ever gets turned off!
dansan826 at yahoo
With six kids trying to make sure that they aren't spending too much time with the tv or video games can become quite the undertaking. Especially if the gaming system is in the family room that is downstairs and Mom spends most of her time upstairs.
How many hours a day in front of a screen? To be honest, I'd have to say WAY too many.
This would be such a blessing for our household.
Thanks for hosting such a useful contest!
Tammy and Parker
My 4 year old is the tv addict in our house. I hate to admit he watches probably 3 hrs. per day.
My husband and I watch less than 1 and my 2 year old watches less than 1.
What a neat little device! My family spends about 6 hours a day on TV total. Thanks for the giveaway.
I usually watch at least 2 - 3 hours a day. My kids watch probably an hour or less during school days & I don't even want to know how much on the weekends.
probably an average of two hours a day!
We watch way too much, I'll admit. This sounds like it would be a great family addition.
Taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com
I am almost ashamed to admit that are t.v. is on almost all day. At least we mainly watch PBS. Then when hubby is home he watches his shows s=and sometimes I join him. So this would be great for my girls, I do not feel like I can do this to my hubby!!! Hee, hee.
It really depends on the weather outside. If it's nice out, we might not turn on the tv at all. But if it's rainy we'll watch a few hours (1-2) per day.
Since i work at home for a few hours in the morning i have PBS on for the kids. During the day - it's on, but nobody is really watching it - then in the evening when hubby gets home he usually watches it.
I would say all in all probably 4 or 5 hours - which is still too much I think!
This device would be nice simply to reinforce "go find something to do!"
I think we watch about 2-3 hours a day. This has got me thinking though...I think I am going to actually start timing to see how much we really watch. Thanks for entering us!
Wow, way too much TV I would say. My son watches probably 4+ hours. Now I am embarrassed!
We watch 1-2 on weekdays but my hubby has it on constantly on weekends and it drives my crazy!
When my kids are up the TV is on for a half hour show of their choice, however as they get older, they are getting more stubborn! My husband and I probably watch 2 hours an evening if we aren't working. Its how we (err..I) unwind, especially if I'm watching Lost or Prision Break...sweaty men I guess!!
My 5 year old watches anywhere from none to 2 hours in a given day. My 15 year old anywhere from none to all day long. My husband and I pretend we don't watch any while the kids are awake and then slip off to watch tv til we pass out.
about 2 hours a day- i try to make sure there isn't too much tv time a day.
My daughter watches just a little right now, but we as parents watch way too much!
Between the whole family we watch about an hour and a half a day.
I've really been trying to keep it to one hour a day for my kids, but it's really more like 2 hours most days. Hopefully I'll get better!
BTW, I blogged this giveaway at Ruminations of a Youth Minister's Wife.
Hmm, how many hours does it take to make an indentation in the couch? My husband's the worst offender in our house. He'll admit it too, but he doesn't have the self-control to turn off the TV. Save us, BOB!
I watch 2 hours of TV on average. Great giveaway. Thanks.
We actually have been watching very little tv lately, maybe an hour or so. Guess the writer's strike is good for something.
Maybe around 5 to 6 hours a day depending on the day.
The kids watch around an hour a day. My hubby and I rack up around 2 hours though.
My girls are at about 30 minutes to 1 hour a day...Thanks!
how fantastic. i know i'm bad about keeping track! guilty...
It's hard to say how much screentie out whole family takes in. Both my husband and I work at computer stations all day, then come home, watch a bit of tv, or have it running in the back ground while we do other things. I've been starting to cut back, insisting it be off durring dinner, or giving the option of reading when we snuggle on the couch with out tot. Still it's an uphill battle against my husband and out daycare provider. Something like the BOB might be just the thing to wake my husband up to just how much time we spend with tv, video games, and computers.....
My son probably watches two movies a day. EEK! That's 3-4 hours!
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